There are no magic foods, but correct balances. Humans must regularly take fruits and vegetables, whole grains and foods rich in healthy proteins such as legumes, meat, fish and cheese. Men tend to consume ready-made foods or to abound in condiments: be careful, because ready-to-eat foods often contain a lot of fat and a lot of salt, ingredients that help to increase cholesterol and blood pressure values. Excessive dressing, on the other hand, contributes to weight gain. The solution is to prefer individual ingredients by preparing them simply and always read the labels before buying processed, preserved or ready-to-eat foods.
The distribution of excess fatty tissue varies greatly between men and women. In fact, due to its hormonal structure, man tends to accumulate fat at the level of the abdomen. Attention, because it is precisely this last one that indicates visceral fat that has a decisive role in the onset of various diseases such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and triglyceride values (increased cardiovascular risk), hepatic steatosis (fatty liver). Surely the excess fat and the consumption of simple sugars play a decisive role, so we should try to limit these ingredients as much as possible. We keep the waist circumference beyond body weight, measuring waist circumference with a centimeter from a seamstress. We keep a centimeter above the navel as a reference: values above 94 cm are indicative of a moderately increased risk of having cardiovascular events, values above 102 are indicative of a high risk.
Water is at the base of the food pyramid but is often not considered as a food and therefore often forgotten. In reality man is mainly made up of water and the losses during the day through sweating, elimination, transpiration are numerous and also involve the loss of precious mineral salts, therefore reintegrating with the right contributions is fundamental. At least 1.5 - 2 liters per day are the minimum quantities to be taken, to be increased if the outside temperature is high or in the presence of intense physical activity. Water is also introduced by eating foods that are rich in water, such as fruit and vegetables, rich in mineral salts. Be careful because thirst does not feel like hunger, except when we are already dehydrating, so we try to set goals like the eight glasses a day to ensure proper hydration. A trick to not forget it is to always have a bottle of water in front of you
Calcium is a fundamental element for people's health, being involved in many vital functions of our body. Its role in the health of teeth and bones is well known, but it intervenes in biochemical reactions for the functioning of the heart and the nervous system. Osteoporosis is a bone disease that mostly affects menopausal women, but this does not mean that they alone need calcium to fight it. Osteoporosis involves both sexes, indeed, man often risks underestimating this aspect and having worse complications precisely because he believes it is a purely female pathology. Calcium intake must be adequate from childhood, because it serves to create the bone mass necessary to prevent osteoporosis. We therefore recommend a portion of milk or yogurt a day, a second cheese-based dish a couple of times a week and the addition of a spoonful of Grana Padano D.O.P. on first courses. Research on adult subjects (men and women) has shown that supplementing the usual diet with 30 grams of Grana Padano D.O.P. 12 months, for 2 months helps to reduce high blood pressure.
Alcohol does not provide any useful nutrient for the body, on the contrary, the ethanol of alcoholic beverages causes, if drunk more than 1 glass a day for women and 2 for men, almost always weight gain: from the point of view nutritional, alcohol is a "high-calorie" food even though it does not provide nutrients, which is why alcohol calories are called "empty calories". Component of alcohol is ethanol, a potentially toxic substance that can cause addiction and dependence and directly or indirectly cause severe damage to different organs. The immediate effects range from loss of coordination, reduced lucidity, slow reflexes, the appearance of nausea and vomiting to unconsciousness and ethyl coma. In the long term, excessive alcohol consumption can damage various organs including the brain, liver, stomach and heart. So when you go out with friends, you go out to dinner and you want to spend an evening in joy, it's good to think that while we drink alc
See, in what simple ways we will benefit our health and gain many, many years of life!
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